For your business trips, Meliá PRO

Discover a quick and easy way to book and manage your business trips.

a man and woman sitting on couches in a room

Your needs are our priority

Focused to SMEs, medium-sized enterprises and freelancers, use our Meliá professional platform. Make reservations easily and flexibly, and get amazing conditions, plus great perks for your employees or co-workers.

a group of people sitting on a couch

We improve your business with the benefits of Meliá PRO Corporate

Unique rates
The best rates with savings of up to 20% off for your business trips in the city's best locations.
Celebrate your events
Choose from a large selection of Meliá hotels located around the world and organise your next event or business meeting with us.
Real-time information
Book whenever and wherever you want. Meliá PRO offers you a platform with real-time updated data.
Your online solution
Simple and intuitive, our corporate platform gives you endless benefits. Become Meliá PRO and use our online tool!
Enjoy a holiday
Contact us to receive a special discount and enjoy fantastic rates during your holiday.
We accompany you
Would you like an online service or to contact our corporate service centre? Choose how you prefer to communicate with us.

Being part of Meliá PRO Corporate is very simple

Easily, intuitively and completely free access to Meliá PRO. Just identify yourself and register your company. You will have all the information and all the advantages in real-time.

a woman sitting on a couch looking at a phone

Also, if you belong to MeliáRewards, you will enjoy exclusive advantages

a woman in a white coat talking on a cell phone

Up to an additional 20%

Get exclusive rates for your company, benefiting from up to 20% off your business trips.

a man sitting on a couch talking on a cell phone

Tailored to your business

MeliáRewards caters to your company and its needs. Sign up now and get 2,000 MeliáRewards points.

a woman in a white dress and straw hat on a beach

Earn MeliáRewards points

Earn points for your purchases and enjoy them when you travel in our Meliá hotels or with more than 115 programme partners.