Discover the charm of the Serra de Tramuntana

Envelop yourself in the serenity of this unique location

Nestled in the heart of the Serra de Tramuntana, Ratxó Retreat Hotel Meliá Collection offers an incomparable wellness experience surrounded by the natural beauty of Mallorca.

Its exclusive suites, decorated with wood and natural elements, create a cozy environment that will provide all the rest you need.
The hotel’s exquisite culinary proposal is designed to satisfy the most demanding tastes, offering a harmonious fusion of international flavors and the unique essence of Mallorcan cuisine.
And to complete the experience, the hotel also boasts an open-air infinity pool and a spa, which is perfect for revitalizing both the body and mind.

This exclusive luxury resort in the majestic Mallorcan mountains is a fantastic option for customers who are looking for an unforgettable getaway.

Book now!

a pool surrounded by trees and buildings